
Archive Art
Year       2018

Critical Approaches to Visual Art
Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Akima McPherson is a multi-media artist and a Lecturer at the University of Guyana in the Division of Creative Arts.  Akima’s talk was entitled, Critical approaches to visual art with reference to works in the Guyana National Collection. In it, she explored concepts such as illusionistic space and decorative space and how far art must be appreciated within its particular context.
Video Clip: Critical Approaches to Visual Art

Rainforest (Bernadette Persaud)

Art and the Individual: Bernadette Persaud
Thursday 29th March 2018

Bernadette Persaud is a renowned Guyanese artist. This retrospective includes work from The Lotus of Time Series, The Lotus of my Great-grandmother series, her Flag Installations and the Rainforest Series. She also shares her philosophy about art and life: “Painting must be in the service of God or your conscience….Your painting must come out of you and your conscience.”

Video Clip: Art and the Individual

The Piaiman (Stephanie Correia)

Stephanie Correia: pioneer in her field
Friday 10th August 2018

Stephanie Correia (1930-2000) was a poet, illustrator, artist and ceramicist. Much of her work explored Amerindian life and stories and her imagery drew heavily on Amerindian petroglyphs. Stephanie was the daughter of Stephen Campbell, the first Amerindian MP. This retrospective talk is by her daughter Anna, herself an accomplished ceramicist.

Video Clips: Stephanie Correia
Anna Correia Bevaun