NOTES _ re Materials: Hand outs/Guides & References for the Young Writers Workshop

NOTES _ re Materials: Hand outs/Guides & References for the Young Writers Workshop

a: “Martin’s Mantras”: a collection of quotes from Martin Carter on writing poetry compiled by Ian Mc Donald.
b: “Less is More” theme for the Workshop with examples to underline this concept (example of AJS manuscript as recalled by Ian)
c: Ernesto Cardenal’s “Rules” for poetry (Nicaraguan priest & poet)
d: “Keep A Journal” concept and recommendation to young poets elaborated by Ian Mc Donald who brought a few of his own journals as living examples.
“d: Writing Is A Muscle” – Paloma Mohamed. This concept – the practice of writing was further elaborated and emphasised by Paloma in the workshop.
e: Charles Darwin passage on nature read by Ian used as one of the themes in the Workshop and elaborated in discussion etc.
f: The genre of “ProsePoems”
Poets who are Activists. Martin was cited as the supreme example of this. He always stayed true to his poetry and did not proselytize to its detriment etc. Also the War Poets, the  Romantics, Religious Poets.  Supreme examples are Donne, George Herbert, even Blake.
g: Performance Poets – example of young poet who uses lines from popular songs as inspiration/ start points for her own poems, often turning the said lines on their heads etc. etc.